Rocksteady Partners with AluBox

Aug 24, 2021


Alubox Signage & branding Tool: Meet Vorova

We provide Alubox with an out of the box signage customisation plug-in.

Rocksteady Partners with AluBox.  A premium global manufacturer of tough heavy duty aluminium cases!  Danish quality – Hand made since 1999

Rocksteady have integrated our signage software solution, Vorova, into Alubox’s website. We tailored our software specifically for Alubox’s product. Alubox now offer custom signage and branding to their customers, be it personal or business, directly via their site and other after market routes. There is no complex integration.

We met with Alubox in their HQ on the outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark to fully understand their product.  Our aim was to fully satisfy their customers’ needs and requirements so we could onboard Alubox’s products seamlessly on Vorova, our end to end customisation solution.

Vorova is world leading signage software solution. It is a unique multi-canvas design and design selection tool that combines static and dynamic data involved in design to give you finished design instantly. The tool harnesses product specific knowledge that easily lets you pick fonts, colours and design elements that will suit your specific needs.

This reduces the knowledge and expertise usually associated to create a design for branding or signage needs.

Take a look at the end to end solution we provide for Alubox and their amazing boxes!

This maps the user journey from discovering to a fully customised product.

From Alubox’s website, to their specific page on customisation. Then to Vorova’s landing page that explains all the user needs to know to create their design and if they have any questions – we handle all of this. Then on to the bespoke version of Vorova, our signage solution, for Alubox’s products. 

Alubox have a host of products that Vorova caters for. 

  • Alubox PRO S020
  • Alubox S023
  • Alubox A029 with 1 Handle in the Lid
  • Alubox A029 with 2 Handles on the Side
  • Alubox A042
  • Alubox S060
  • Alubox A073
  • Alubox PRO A081
  • Alubox Oztent transport box

This is all managed easily in an easy to use interface to make product selection easy. 

Try it out yourself and see what you can create